Signing up for a Blog Hosting account with Bluehost

Bluehost is one of the best hosting option for bloggers out there.  It offers an updated version of the popular cpanel, with very easy interface for billing, domains handling, database handling and installation of any Blogging application like WordPress, Drupal, Joomla and many more.

Here is where you start.  Add your information below.  It offers free domain name along with hosting, so you don’t have to spend an extra $8-10 on the domain cost as well



Once you have entered your desired domain name, it takes you to the registration and billing screen.  Let us look at the Registration part of the screen first.  It requires your contact information.



You can select any of the packages offered by Bluehost depending on what your budget is and what your plans are.  For longer durations, the cost per month is lower.



As you sign up, you are all set for the Cpanel and its use.  We will discuss the setting up of a blog and installation of various Blogging Applications on another page.

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